Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Stop and Ponder:

Cognitive Development: Gradual orderly changes by which mental processes become more complex and sophisticated

Critical periods:

Early Experience:

Later Experience:

Continuity vs. Discontinuity: A third major issue in developmental  psychology.

  •  Does change occur smoothly over time?

Nature vs. Nurture: the debate of relative contributions of inheritance and the environment is deemed one of the oldest issues in philosophy and psychology

  • Plato and Descartes supported the ideas that some ideas are inborn. 
  • John Locke on the other hand argues the mind is a blank slate at birth with experience determining our knowledge. 

Critical Periods: If learning doesn't happen during these periods, it never will. \
  • Are there critical periods where certain abilities need to develop?
  • There is no critical period that limits the possibility of language learning by adults. Adults have more learning strategies and greater knowledge of language in general to bring to bear in mastering a second language. 
  • However recent research indicates "there is a 'sensitive period' for optimal bilingual language and reading exposure and mastery"
  • There is a critical period for learning accurate language pronunciation 
Critical Periods to Know
There are many specific physical, psychosocial (also called social/emotional or relating), and cognitive development milestones that most typically developing children go through. One of the earliest psychosocial critical periods is bonding. This happens in the newborn period. Holding, soothing, and caring for your baby makes it easy for her to move through this critical period. (In understaffed, overpopulated orphanages where babies do not receive the nurturing they need in this critical period, irreparable damage can be done emotionally, making it difficult for those children later in life to form close relationships.)
"Following birth there is a period of rapid brain reorganization that is a/the critical period in brain development during which children are most sensitive to environmental stimuli.”

Decades of research show the brain may then undergo changes that could permanently alter future functionality. However, recent studies suggest it may be possible to extend critical periods, perhaps one day offering treatment options for people who are deprived of early sensory input or experience brain injury later in life.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Discovery: Technology and Planetariums

DISCOVERY: May  25,  2014.  A few weeks back, I had the opportunity to return back to my high school. Through my daughter's PTA, we arranged a trip for the elementary students to take advantage of our high school's own planetarium. While the trip may sound simplistic, it possesses a world of opportunity to view the sky in the comfort of our own school. Our district is lucky to have in it's possession one of the most advanced planetariums in the area. In fact, it's one of only two districts in the entire area to have a planetarium and observatory. The planetarium has changed since I walked the same halls over 18 years ago. The projector is a new state of the art projector which begins our journey from the school's football field to nearest planet and well beyond.

Technology through constant research and development has allowed students to see firsthand the wonders of our own solar system. Imagine what the planetarium may be like in the next 18-20 years. It's important for schools to be cognizant of these planetariums in the area. The technology is state of the art and more importantly, in line with curriculum. As schools enter further into the technology era, I feels its imperative that they consider planetariums into their budget and continue to maintain those that are luck to exist.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Journeys: The first steps in exploring child development

Green Flag....  Let the Learning Adventure Begin

On May 20th, we came into the classroom and immediately discussed exploring blogging how to build a blog. This form of technology is completely new to me so I look forward to learning some of the 'tricks' and 'trades' on the internet. The internet is full of so many resources, many of which are not mentioned enough.  Let's hope we can learn it all in the time we have .... :)

Source: http://gregmillerprincipal.com/tag/digital-natives/
