Let's face it. This is a no-brainer but lets go back to the tape. Homework is a way of life to the classroom.
Homework offers balance and instills the days lesson. While homework may not be the most favored item on a student's list, it does possess an incredible amount of importance making it a valuable asset to any classroom.
With that said, by suggesting to children the possibility of homework being excused if their behavior improves is truly a counter productive argument. By using homework as a leverage, you have now instilled in the student's mind that homework is 1) expendable and 2) lacks importance. Rather than take away something so vital to the classroom, rather consider a reward. If the students improve their behavior, they may get an extra recess. If behavior is a major issue in the classroom, it may be wise to consider a behavior plan and reward system.
Never under any circumstances take away something so vital like homework. Those same students will exhibit the same behavior in no time AND have less of a concern for their homework.
The following is an interesting link and further explanation to the ramifications of using the 'homework.' The link is courtesy of webMD.com and should be considered important to parents and teachers alike.
The article you posted about the importance of students doing their homework hit home for me. I can't understand why teachers would want to bribe their students with such a valuable resource that they need. Homework is so essential to reinforce what the lessons are.