Thursday, June 5, 2014

C -E - R #4 Images of Self-Concept

Create:  Media is everywhere. In a previous blog, we discussed the influence of the Super Bowl commercials and the mindset behind it.

Below is a quick Presentation of snap-shots from modern media. Some things to consider as we enter further in the technical age.  Long term effects of Modern Media? Will we ever see a transition back to limiting what is appropriate? Acceptance? Parents often are to blame for the exposure to media. We are a media driven generation.

One personal concern is centered around the acceptance. In just the past few years, the television show have become more edgier, language that was once considered forbidden is now spoken on prime time, images are more graphic and the targeted audience is getting younger. There was a time when we would look at the clock and call it a night at 8pm. Children stay up much later and exposure is much more pronounced. Even with social media, texting and the internet. Children are exposed in more ways then ever creating a notion of self-image. What they thought was real is now portrayed differently on the television. The television must be correct. Yes?
Sadly, I think we are in too deep and the only recourse is to pressure media and law makers to consider the research. What are the potential long term effects of exposure to mass media and yet another element, video games. Video games is another blog in and of itself. 

Self - Concept and Self-Esteem PowerPoint

EVALUATE:  School violence and bullying has been the hotbed of discussion in education. What is alarming to us is the amount of reported incidents that involve violence and shootings. The information is two-folded. Bullying has existed since for a long time. It's really been  more recent that we hear more about the shootings around the country.

CNN REPORT ON School Shootings

It's my belief that violence in schools is increasing. I believe with the advances in technology and media, we have the ability to report on incidences that ordinarily would have been ignored. But why is it increasing?

It goes back to a personal belief that the culture has changed. Our mission is to ensure the safety of every child the minute they walk into the door. As much as it pains us to agree, safety often takes a back seat once students leave the school. In the age of cyber bullying and self identification, students are finding more and more ways to hide behind a screen to cause harm. The students being targeted are often hiding as well. Sadly, it's the reality in today's classroom. As a parent, tax payer and future educator, I try to be fair in understanding all sides of this argument.

We often place the focus of blame on the teachers, parents, breakdown in society etc. What I never hear in the reports is what makes the children 'snap.' What compels a person to break from traditional morals to perform something so heinous, from both sides. What message do we send when the media broadcasts the images on the television.

The images are real and so are the emotions.

RELATE: My ideal classroom is in the elementary setting, kindergarten through 6th grade. My goal is to present my classroom in a manner that is welcoming to EVERY student. My students will feel safe. My students will feel accepted. My students will be excited to come to school. My students will know that I am here for them. My students will learn. Without the previous stated goals, learning will not happen. This is how I see a snapshot of my classroom.  

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