Saturday, June 21, 2014

C - E - R #12 Images of Motivation

C - E - R # 12 Images of Motivation

CREATE:  Create a powerpoint presentation on images reflecting motivation.
Following my presentation here:   Motivation

Motivation means so many things to me but when putting together this brief power point, it did have me reflecting more. The images captured demonstrate both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Firstly, after searching through google images, I chose what i felt demonstrated what motivation represents. I noticed that each of my pictures captured either a sunset or someone at the peak of a mountain top. Motivation to me means reaching for the summit no matter what it takes. And even when you get there, try to go further.

EVALUATE: My motivation has always been in my family, particularly my father. My father has experienced his share of illnesse and fights with cancer. Despite the loss of my mother, his wife, my father pressed forward and always, always told us to never give up. I know it sounds so similar to stories we've all heard and it's true. Our parents do want what is best for us and instill that in us much like our teachers, nothing is unimaginable if you really want it.

RELATE: I have not developed my own philosophy of teaching as yet. I'll be honest. My philosophy is continuously evolving as my studies progress. I do have a rough idea of what my philosophy entails:

I’m a firm believer that age has no reflection to learning. I’m a firm believer that Anyone and anyone learn anything if they want to. We simply have to inspire
My ideal classroom will be designed to inspire for all age, a center for discovery
  I believe in instilling a passion for a lifetime of learning into my students.
One way I instill this is by applying what I have learned thus far about constructivism in teaching.
We want students to be open minded just as we want our teacher to be as well.

Rather than be a transmitter of knowledge, I offer myself as more of a facilitator, a coach offering  thought provoking suggestions for solving tasks given.
I  want my students to use their own experiences to solve a problem as a group using different ways and methods.
In this classroom, there is not one way true to solve a task.   The solution of a problem rather depends upon individual experiences and thoughts.
Students work together in groups, exchange their suggestions and thoughts in discussions to reach one or more solutions.
Experience and connections to learning is hands on.
W.B Yeats wrote, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”
We’ve often heard the theory that children are like blank slates. I couldn’t disagree more.
We all have differences that are unique to their own.
It is my goal as a teacher to ignite in my learners a passion that helps to inspire them and foster the belief that nothing is unimaginable.
Equally important is learning who my learners are, what kinds of knowledge and experience do they bring to the classroom and what they want to achieve.
I believe in using case based teaching and active learning activities. It helps to inspire argumentation
 cooperative problem solving
 intellectual exchange of information
and life long collaborative practice.
My goal is to demonstrate curiosity and passion to help motivate students to learn.
I want my students to be accepted for who and where they are
I want my students to feel safe
I believe in positive environment filled with laughter.
  Now, I come to the realization that every theory has it’s limitation and usefulness depending on the context.
Rather than embrace one perspective, I can gladly say that I embrace many perspectives in children’s development and learning in my teaching practice.
While we continue to discover more about childrens learning, my philosophy will continue to evolve as well.

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