Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3, 2014

Revisit Pavlov's Dogs. Pavlov learned that when a doctor would attempt to feed the dogs in his experiment, the dogs would salivate. Ringing a bell in conjunction with feeding the dogs proved the same response. Pavlov learned that by even just ringing the bell with the food caused the dogs to salivate. Unconditional Response.

Watson's Little Albert experiment was similar in that he introduced a toy rat to a child. The child expressed no reaction. However, when he introduced a sudden bang sound, the child reacted in fear. As he repeated the experiment, the child began to associate the loud noise with the toy rat.

BF Skinner performed similar experiments on pigeons. When the pigeons were hungry, they learned to press a button to be fed.

The experiments of Skinner and Pavlov both demonstrate incredible findings in researching the animals response to stimuli and unconditional response. While I agree with the findings and research, I question the lack of attention to the role of survival. In both cases, we overlook what I consider pivotal in understanding our very being. Since we were born, our sole function is to survive whether it be through nourishment, ie water or food.

Looking at the experiments of Skinner and Pavlov, I think we can agree that survival can be considered a primary reinforcement, better yet, an unconditional  reinforcement since it occurs naturally and does not require learning to work. Evolutionary basis to be considered since it aids in the survival of the species. Water, food, air, sleep,... primary reinforcers in order to survive. 

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